

Technologies of the Future for Low-Cost Enzymes for Environment-Friendly Products


Biologic nanoparticles to fight microplastics

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This double meeting session took place on 21-22 November 2024, and was hosted...
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  • Horizon 2020 Work programme: Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry, Marine, Maritime and Inland Water Research and the Bioeconomy.
  • Call: H2020-FNR-2020 Food and Natural Resources.
  • Topic name: FNR-16-2020 Enzymes for More Environment-Friendly Consumer Products.



Greening the world through enzymes

In a world facing major environmental threats, Europe stands by its commitments from the Paris Climate Conference (COP21) and has agreed concrete measures in the European Green Deal: become the world’s first climate-neutral continent by 2050 while improving economic competitiveness. In this direction, our project offers technologies for driving a tomorrow’s greener Planet by enzyming textiles, detergents and cosmetics.

Greening the world through enzymes

In a world facing major environmental threats, Europe stands by its commitments from the Paris Climate Conference (COP21) and has agreed concrete measures in the European Green Deal: become the world’s first climate-neutral continent by 2050 while improving economic competitiveness. In this direction, our project offers technologies for driving a tomorrow’s greener Planet by enzyming textiles, detergents and cosmetics.

In FuturEnzyme, a multi-disciplinary and multi-actor consortium of 16 leading academic and industrial partners will develop technologies of the FUTURe for low-cost ENZYMEs for environment-friendly products.

The consortium will develop the most advanced innovative solutions in a fast-track to market platform to discover, design, optimise and formulate enzymes.

The high-tech enzyme development platform will use big biodata mining of both public and internal databases and bio-resources, and disruptive machine learning, activity-based bioprospecting, protein engineering, nano-biotechnology, upscale fermentation, and downstream processing systems.

The strong collaboration of the academic and industry partners will be supported by clusters, thus making sure we take a holistic approach. Analysing technology, market, consumer, and socio-economic demands, and assessing safety, risk, and life-cycle analysis during the technology and product development in an iterative process, will ensure the results will be effective and relevant.

Links of interest

Horizon 2020

European Commission

European Green Deal

European Commission

Consumer Products

European Commission

Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry...

European Commission

Horizon Europe

European Commission

Paris Agreement

European Commission

Climate Change - Paris Climate Conference

United Nations

Sustainable Development Goals

United Nations

Gender Equality Plan

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