INOFEA AG was founded in February 2014 in Basel by a group of entrepreneurs and scientists as a spin-off from the School of Life Sciences, University of Applied Sciences and Arts, North- Western Switzerland (FHNW). The company was created to meet a critical need of the industry: to make enzymes more stable, re-usable and suitable for continuous processes. INOFEA AG owns a patented technology to immobilize enzymes and protect them with a tailor-made shield making them easy to use in biocatalysis, bioanalysis, proteomics and as an active ingredient for the pharmaceutical, chemical and consumer care industry.
WP1: Representing the project management and coordination activities.
WP5: Improving the performance of the best enzymes through novel engineering techniques.
WP6: Establishing a platform for a sustainable supply of the best enzyme formulations.
WP8: Focusing on dissemination, exploitation and communication.
works as responsible of research and development, production and quality assurance at INOFEA AG since November 2017. After obtaining her PhD in biology from the the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ) in 2011, she worked as postdoctoral research associate in the field of biocatalysis in the group of molecular nanotechnology at the FHNW. During this time frame, she pioneered the development of enzyme shielding on nanoparticles which has evolved into the enzzen® technology.
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