CLIB is an international open innovation cluster for bioeconomy and circular economy with a focus on industrial biotechnology. The approximately 100 cluster members are large (multinational) companies, SMEs, universities, academic institutes as well as other stakeholders active in the bioeconomy from Germany, Europe and around the world. Founded in 2007, CLIB has more than 12 years of experience in connecting stakeholders along and across value chains; in helping to set up project consortia, in developing tech transfer strategies, in providing policy advice and in promoting industrial biotechnology as a key driver for a sustainable bio- and circular economy.
WP1: Representing the project management and coordination activities.
WP6: Establishing a platform for a sustainable supply of the best enzyme formulations.
WP7: Delivering enzymatic strategies for formulating 3 innovative real-life consumer products.
WP8: Focusing on dissemination, exploitation and communication.
Markus Müller is a trained biotechnologist with a strong expertise in biochemical and process engineering, gained during his time at RWTH Aachen University. He joined CLIB in 2020 and focuses on the production of sustainable specialty chemicals for the consumer goods industry. Such high-performance ingredients, like biosurfactants or enzymes, can contribute significantly to making production chains and final products more sustainable and circular. At CLIB, in addition to project work and networking activities, he is heavily involved in the technical implementation of online and hybrid events.
has a strong scientific background in the fields of industrial biotechnology, chemical engineering, and (bio-) chemical catalysis. After six years in scientific project management at the interface of chemistry, biotechnology, and process engineering at RWTH Aachen University, he joined CLIB in 2018 as Deputy Cluster Manager. During the last years, he has also gained in-depth knowledge of innovation management and open innovation, being involved in several projects focussed on bio-based value chains, high-performance products, and innovative, interdisciplinary approaches with a focus on biotechnology.
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