BioC-CheM Solutions S.r.l. , is a privately held biotechnology company pursuing development of industrial strains and upstream/downstream fermentation processes for the production of commercially interesting metabolites and enzymes of bacterial and fungal origin, or the production of microorganisms themselves for different applications. Based on an enabling technology portfolio, Bio_Ch was founded in 2020 by Fabrizio Beltrametti, Carmine Capozzoli and Adriana Bava. Bio_Ch is located in Gerenzano (VA), in the heart of the Lombardy region. Headquarters house research and development, corporate offices, and a process scale-up unit. Bio_Ch is a key SME to scale up the production and purification of the selected products (enzymes of industrial interest) for their use in potential industrial applications. Bio_Ch owns proprietary technologies among which, worth of note, is a database (BioC-Chem MedDat) for the identification of cultural conditions for uncommon microorganisms.
WP1: Representing the project management and coordination activities.
WP4: Implementing systems for producing and characterising enzymes and finding best ones.
WP6: Establishing a platform for a sustainable supply of the best enzyme formulations.
WP7: Delivering enzymatic strategies for formulating 3 innovative real-life consumer products.
WP8: Focusing on dissemination, exploitation and communication.
is co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer of BioC-CheM Solutions Srl. Fabrizio Beltrametti has more than 15 years of hands-on experience in molecular biology and strain improvement of industrially valuable microorganisms. Beyond leading BioC-CheM Solutions laboratory activity, Fabrizio was CEO and Director of the Biology Department of Bio_Ch (from 2007 to 2020) and Adjunct Professor of Medical Microbiology at the University of Insubria (Varese, Italy).
is co-founder of BioC-CheM Solutions. Adriana got his degree in food technology from the University of Milan. She has extended experience in microbiology and in the production of bio-active metabolites from different kinds of microorganisms. Among her extended laboratory experience, worth of note are: i) experience in purification and chemical modification of metabolites of natural origin; ii) immobilisation of enzymes on nano-particles.
s co-founder of BioC-CheM Solutions and Director of the Chemistry Department. Carmine got his MD in Chemistry from the University of Milan Bicocca and was employed till 2017 in the company Chorisis. In the company Chorisis, Carmine was head of the Chromatography and Purification group. In 2017 Carmine joined Bio_Ch and in 2020 the BioC-CheM Solutions company. Carmine has a strong background in analytical chemistry and chromatography.
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