FuturEnzyme CLIB forum: "Fantastic enzymes: Where and how to find them"
The development of sustainable and resource-saving processes is a major focus of R&D&I work, also supported heavily by the European Commission as part of the Green Deal and the sustainability efforts. In this context, biotechnology is already acting as a facilitator to achieve a circular economy and a bioeconomy.
We aim to achieve these goals with the identification, optimisation, production and application of innovative enzymes to support the transformation of various industrial sectors and their consumer products. In this webinar, we wanted to present the competences and topics we acquire or work on in FuturEnzyme to an interested international audience.
With this CLIB Forum event, we want to emphasise and promote the need for collaboration between researchers, entrepreneurs, and manufacturers for a greener and more sustainable future. Furthermore, our webinar was also of interest for policy makers, funding bodies, investors and consumers.
The FuturEnzyme project partners CSIC, Barcelona Supercomputing Center and the University of Hamburg presented their activities in the project and beyond to a wide range audience, including kids! Never too young to learn!