CLIB, CSIC, SCHOELLER: "Catalysing Alliances for Greener Products"
Within the project HiPerIn 2.0, CLIB is looking at industry sectors which could benefit from a structural change away from fossil-based towards biotechnological processes based on renewable substrates. The targeted product groups combine high functionality, designable product properties, and a high added value. The focus is directed to five targeted sectors: Textiles & Fibres, Coatings & Adhesives, Personal & Home Care, Food & Feed, and Flavours & Fragrances.
In this context, CLIB’s annual end-of-year December forum was dedicated to the four EU-funded projects FuturEnzyme, EnXylaScope, OXIPRO and RADICALZ, conforming the Cluster Enzymes for Greener Products. This opportunity gave us a platform to present our concept and selected scientific results regarding the utilisation of enzymes in a variety of industrial applications to make our products greener to an interested international audience. Researchers and experts talked about the opportunities and challenges in the development and production of novel enzymes which will revolutionise common consumer products. The Coordinators presented an overview of the project, and then a partner explained their contribution to each project. The speakers were: Gro Bjerga, Marco Fraaije (OXIPRO), Manuel Ferrer, Nazanin Ansari (FuturEnzyme), Carolina Peñalva Lapuente, Lalitha Gottumukkala (EnXylaScope), Aurelio Hidalgo, and Stephan Heijl (RADICALZ).
After this, the 4 project Coordinators and the CLIBS’s organiser Markus Müller established an altogether final discussion. Then, an interesting chitchat took place in the platform Wonder, a way of approaching to each other in online events as if we were at an in-person conference! Notice the Christmas decoration!
With this forum we have created a stronger network between the 4 projects and we hope that the audience (more than 140 registrations) enjoyed our work and will be further interested in the products we will develop to help making the world green again.
Manuel Ferrer (CSIC) and Nazanin Ansari (Schoeller Textiles) at different moments of their presentations.
From up and left: Markus Müller (CLIB, FuturEnzyme), Gro Bjerga (OXIPRO), Aurelio Hidalgo (RADICALZ) Manuel Ferrer (FuturEnzyme), and Carolina Peñalva Lapuente (EnXylaScope) at a momento of the final discussion.
Chitchatting at the Wonder platform with Christmas mood.